Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Turkey Vulture, Red Tailed Hawk, Crow

As we were driving to the Land the other day we saw some interesting bird sights.  This dead possum was being eaten by a Hawk who flew up to the tree when we stopped the car, allowing the vulture who was watching to come and begin eating the possum.  The vultures are less wary of people.

From another view, the Vulture eating the Possum.
The Vulture is eyeing us warily to see what we are up to.
On a nearby tree another vulture sits and watches.
And on a nearby evergreen tree yet another vulture sits and watches.
Meanwhile the Hawk watches from the tree but is not comfortable enough to return to the dead possum to reclaim it from the Vultures.  The Vultures, in our experience, will always give way to a single hawk even if there are 9 vultures, one or two hawks are dominant.
Back at home we had thrown a couple broken chicken eggs out for the Crows, who love eggs.  Four of them who have their territory over here arrived. Crows move around in highly territorial "gangs".
A very spiritual bird to say the least, they are aggressive, they harass the Hawks, and they are extremely alert.

They look like they are trouble and they create a lot of controversy wherever they go.

Here they jump up on the snow to get to the egg.

Here they flew off past one of their favorite trees.

We always value seeing the bird activities as we attribute many spiritual qualities to the birds and always consider it a blessing when we are able to photograph them!

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