Monday, November 1, 2010

The Eagle Appears!

On the Day of the Dead we were harvesting our Sage from the Tobacco and Sage Garden, when the Crows got our attention as a whole clan of them flew high over our heads.  At that point Vultures appeared and then the Eagle.   
The Eagle came from the North, eventually disappearing into the Rays of the Sun in the South.  At first the Eagle was flying high, and only distinguishable by his size and the way he flies.  As he circled lower, we were able to clearly see his bald head!
We took special note of our conversation when he appeared, and watched him until he disappeared.
We were able to take these photos of him, although it was challenging and eventually the brightness of the Sun blinded our ability to take more photos.
(If you click on photo you will be able to see the eagle a little better)
In this photo below the Eagle is looking down.  The Eagle is a great blessing, and since we have moved to the Land we have seen Eagles more and more, earlier in the year one even landed on the Ceremonial Grounds.  This Eagle looks like a young adult (the "Eaglets" don't develop their bald heads until about 3 years old).  Since it was the Day of the Dead, seeing the Eagle over the Ceremonial Grounds was especially significant for us and uplifting!

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