Both Misterio and Ancestors have their favorite animals. Some are very specific as to the color and temperament of the animal as well. We have many animals on the Land that are there first and foremost to satisfy the Misterio and Ancestors, and secondly to make their contribution to the fertility of the Land and to contribute to our well being and enjoyment of them. The animals bring an important spirit to the Land and contribute to our continued manifestation of the Munanso and Bohio/ Batey!
The two horse above are a gelding (Kaguaso) and mare (Kalichi-who is pregnant) who are best friends. It is important for herd animals to have companionship, and these horses have a very strong bond. Kalichi turns from the calm horse in the photo into a bundle of nerves if we take Kaguaso away from her. Kaguaso is a quater horse who we saved from the auction at the 11th hour where he was in danger of turning into dog food. He is the calmest horse most of the time, and very independent (which is unusual in horses), it does not matter to him if he is alone or with horses, and he behaves the same way towards dominant horses as he does to passive ones, and never is aggressive.

These two female donkeys (Josefa and Julia) are also good friends, one (Julia) is the mother of the stallion donkey who hangs out with the stallion. From observing the unique characteristics and behaviors of the various animals, you gain further insight into the Misterio and Ancestor who favors these animals. Both are stubborn and exceptionally greedy, neither wants to do any work.
Above Emma and her baby Brujita are playing. Brujita is the baby of Emma and the Stallion (below). Emma is our largest horse (a "work" horse, the type utilized to pull plows, rakes, etc). She is very strong and very calm. Brujita will become a large horse and is already very big at 8 months old.
The stallion (Kasike) and his friend the donkey stallion (Pepe) keep each other entertained with an ongoing stallion game involving a lot of chasing and stallion posturing, but never to the point that they hurt each other.
Tobacco our male llama is the dominant animal of the field, until it is time to eat, at which point one of the female donkeys, Julia, becomes dominant. Both Tobacco and the female donkeys wait with eager anticipation for their opportunity to attack the dogs, but the dogs are too aware and quick to be caught by the llamas and donkeys. Llamas and donkeys are often used to be companions with sheep because they will attack and kill any foxes coming for the lambs. Tobacco uses his chest and neck to attack. He also enjoys herding the donkeys down to the shed and keeping them there by blocking the door.

Cohoba is a gentle Alpaca, she is very mellow and stays out of the llama-donkey disputes. Tobacco does not allow anyone to come near her, and she spends most of her day laying down sunbathing. Alpacas are very sacred animals in South America and are well known for their exceptionally soft and beautiful hair which is harvested each year in the Spring. Llama hair is also very soft but not quite as soft as the Alpaca. Llamas are larger animals in general and more aggressive. Both animals are very soft on the earth, unlike the horses who tear up the ground, especially when it is muddy. They have a very light way of moving around, and have a very fast way of moving when they want to.
Booty is our wonderful Ram who is about 8 years old. He is very gentle and friendly towards people and very aggressive towards other animals, although in a playful way, but when horns are involved playful becomes dangerous. He sometimes entertains himself by ramming trees with his head which is very strong.
Wind is our pit bull who guards the chickens so that they can free range the way they should! He is much more relaxed than the other dog (Pancho- below) who barks at anything unusual. Wind only barks when something is really happening. Pancho (AKA Psycho) is a high energy cattle dog who is a very good guard dog, and he takes his job to an extreme when given the opportunity. He is convinced he can outrun the llama and entertains himself by running into the field to bark at Tobacco, knowing he can run out and Tobacco can't get at him once he is through the fence.
We also have chickens, pigeons and doves (as well as a tortoise, frog and snake) which all "belong" to different Misterios and Ancestors, and there are also "requests" in for additional animals. There are also the wild animals that are showing up more and more frequently, including, significantly turkeys and deer. The turkey in particular have made a huge comeback in the years that we have been on the Land.