Sunday, January 9, 2011


Right after the Winter Solstice with its Full Moon and Eclipse and before the New Year we brought Fruits and Root Vegetables, that had been with the Misterios for a significant time, to the Conucos (Taino Mound Gardens or Raised Gardens) where we unearthed the River Stones that sit on each one.  These Spirits go into the Earth during the growing season and come out during the Winter.  Mother Earth's topsoil was frozen solid and with great effort we unearthed the Stones.  We then placed all the fruits and root vegetables, including Sugar Cane with each one.  
We make a great emphasis in our Munanso/ Bohio- Batey of feeding the Earth because we understand that the Spirit of our Earth Mother has been attacked with so much IGNORANCE, Toxicity and careless living.  The Spirit of much of the Land upon the Earth is very, very depleted and needs our love and sustenance and not just in words! These offerings will be allowed to decay right into the Conucos where they will be 'turned into ' the Earth to allow their further decay.  They will bring their diverse nutrients to our Conucos, including Spiritual Nutrients.  
It is never far from our minds that we live in a time upon the Earth that the burden (curse) of so called "civilization" has brought us all to a critical point where we can no longer take our Mother Earth for granted.  Even the weather patterns are "rebelling" against the ignorant way of being upon the Earth, and wreaking chaos upon our vulnerable brothers and sisters (fish and birds) who are falling out of the sky and dying in massive fish kills.  Our Mother Earth continues to cry out to us in numerous ways for our Love and Intelligence to return to care taking of our Mother rather than just taking from her.  

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