Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bateys in the Late Winter

After the snow has finally melted, we can see a slow green returning to the Bateys as grass begins to sprout after its winter dormancy.  Although the weather continues to be cold, the grass and the trees are responding to the increase in daylight and a haze is seen around the trees which is the buds that are growing that will become flowers and leaves.  As we move into Spring the buds will create a muted reflection of the colors of the Fall leaves, before they become the bright green leaves of the summer.  In this transformation we realize that the beginning of a cycle often foreshadows or reflects the eventual culmination of that cycle, although the cycle moves through a phase that looks completely different from its beginning or end.  We can also say that the Fall leaf colors predict or reflect the bud colors of Spring.  

At this time on the Land we are busy organizing and preparing for Spring, for when Spring does arrive there is an acceleration of energy that requires great activity in order to stay centered and productive within it.

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