Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 21, 2012.... Do not be a fool!

As people who are rooted in our relationship with the Ancestors and Mother Earth, it is important for us to take some time to bring some clarity to the madness surrounding this date 12-21-2012.  

Neither our Taino Ancestors nor our African Ancestors had any specific prophecies or gave any special significance to this date, or the days surrounding this date.  Our Ancestors were profoundly rooted in Natural Phenomenon, including phenomenon that were visible in the sky, such as the movements of stars and planets.  Our Ancestors were deeply aware of, and very adept at taking advantage of cycles and seasons.  Naturally our Ancestors were aware of Solstices and Equinoxes, and these held significance every year.  Our Ancestors were NOT entertaining FANTASIES concerning these natural phenomenon.  Our Ancestors were NOT FABRICATING celestial events in order to profit from them.  Likewise our Traditions today should avoid these fantasies and fabrications in order not to empower the confusion and madness that these fantasies give rise to.  Our Earth and all her peoples are in a critical process of dealing with the devastation brought to her ecosystem through a process of industrial exploitation and the creation of violent and evil machines, chemicals, bio-weapons, nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and the list goes on.  We do not need to further burden her and our situation by endorsing or actively promoting lies and fantasies.  

December 21, 2012 is a date upon which hoards people in a new age fantasy will be focusing confused emotional and mental energy in various directions.  Some will be in states of fear, but most will be in a state of deep denial and ignorance... and some have already profited immensely in the selling of these fabrications and fantasies.  None of this is going to serve Mother Earth or Humanity.  

As a Taino Medicine Clan and also as Paleros, it is important to us that we make our position on this 2012 deception clear.  We in no way endorse or promote any aspect of the 2012 hoax, not the prophecy aspect, not the planetary alignment aspect, not the milkyway galaxy alignment.  None of this is at all factual, and all of it has arisen due to the devastation of Colonialism in this Continent.  The sad fact that some of our people have succumbed to this foolishness is a testament to the power of the mental and spiritual enslavement that the invaders have subjected our people to, and the effectiveness of the agenda promoted by Las Casas in the Caribbean and the many like him all over this continent, this being an agenda of spiritual enslavement and mental derangement.

If we look at what is actually happening in the sky on December 21, 2012, we do not see a exceptional planetary alignment, we do not see the alignment of the Earth, Sun and Center of the Milkway (that event is 4 million years or so away), we do not see anything unprecedented, other than the usual amazing dance of the planets within this Universe.  The Sun appearing from our perspective to be moving through a dark rift in the Milkway is indeed true however this has been going on for a couple hundred years and still has a couple hundred to go.  The 26,000 year significance is simply the amount of time it takes to complete a full circuit for this celestial dance with the Milkyway.  

It saddens us when we see Indigenous People give credence to this nonsense.  There has been a number of Indigenous People we have met or communicated with who actively promote this 2012 fabrication, all of whom are either profiting from it financially or egoistically.  Many cite the text of Chilam Balam as proof of the many prophecies, but this text was created POST the invasions of our lands and has the corrupting and distorting hands of christian priests in it.... some of it is outright christianity.  It can by no means be considered a reliable source of information concerning the Mayan's true understanding PRIOR to invasion and genocide.  

Let's look for some real life examples: Generally speaking we prefer not to name individuals, but in this case there is an excellent teaching example: There is a man out there (Ac Tah) who identifies himself as a Mayan on a special mission from the Ancestors, who claims that scientists are going to use the proton accelerator on December 21 (a real device, the largest one located in Switzerland) to cause a pole reversal.  However, Ac Tah reassures us that he has a solution and is working overtime to create proton de-accelerators that will prevent this pole reversal.  He is of course profiting from this enterprise by accepting "donations".   No doubt this proton accelerator is something that we should be concerned with as scientists are not known to consider the greater good of humanity when they conduct their experiments, and have a habit of creating monstrosities that wreak havoc in the world.   However as of December 17th this machine was shut down after a 3 year run, as it will be only doing a short run in 2013 and then be stopped for maintenance until 2015.  Ac Tah claims these scientists want to take advantage of the cosmic energies present during a critical 8 minute time period during the December 20-23 time frame, in order to energize their machines.  Of course all this is ludicrous, and obviously Ac Tah was not aware that the proton accelerator would not even be running as of 12-21-2012.  What is astonishing is the number of people giving an ear to this type of nonsense.  In fact Ac Tah has traveled fairly extensively around the country with his fantasy, selling it effectively, also meeting with other so called "shamans" selling equally false information under the guise of "Prophecies".

At this point we want to make it clear that there is NO TAINO 2012 prophecy , this is a new age fantasy.  There was a time some years ago when another fake prophecy was being promoted as "Taino".  This prophecy was called alternately the prophecy of the white cemi and the prophecy of Aura Surey.  This prophecy was based on a fiction by an author Margerite Nogueira, which was later marketed as fact by a number of people, some of whom did not have a clue that it was a fabrication.  This type of unethical conduct when it comes to tradition is inexcusable.  Our Peoples have suffered extensively physically, emotionally, and mentally.  We have had our language taken from us, we have had our traditions outlawed, we have had our lands stolen from us.  When is enough, enough, and when will we demand that our Spirituality be respected?   Those Indigenous "Elders" who promote this type of new age junk are prostituting the memory of our Ancestors, defecating on our Ancestral Graves, and are attacking the integrity of our traditions.  They have become the lackeys of those who continue to want to see our traditions destroyed and our Spirits stunted.  They are Ndoki and Maboya (evil and destructive spirits) under a mask of new age mediocrity.  They are the spiritual descendants of the invaders of our lands, if not the physical descendants.  They are spiritual parasites.  

We are all aware that our traditions have been orally transmitted for generations, however, within the last 50 years or so, this fact has been used by certain unethical, selfish individuals to fabricate "traditions".  When these fabricated traditions are questioned, the individual resorts to saying "oh it was given to me via oral tradition", which of course is an outright lie.  It is a sad fact, since those individuals doing this are manipulating the history of europeans superimposing their lies on top of our truths through the permanence of written word.  Our oral traditions have been reduced to a second class status below written traditions, however when individuals use "oral tradition" to justify their fabrications, this is truly disgusting as they are playing upon our emotional feelings regarding oral traditions.  As Indigenous People we do not want to critically question oral tradition since we have been exposed to so much criticism and mockery due to having oral traditions rather than written traditions.  It takes a particularly disgusting individual to exploit this sensitivity.  

We encourage critical thinking in all things.  When one is in the process of beginning to come out of mental enslavement, it can be easy to fall into these new age traps, they pull good hearted people in through a manipulation of fact and fantasy.  They play on general facts while slyly introducing fantasy alongside the fact.  This is difficult for our minds to grasp, as we have been taught to either accept the whole package or to reject it.  As we mature within our process of liberating our minds, we begin to be able to separate the fact from the fiction and question those things that previously we took at face value.  One thing is absolutely true, and this is that the new age fantasies cannot stand up to careful, intelligent questioning.  The process of applying our common sense cannot be over emphasized and to protect our Traditions we must become critical thinkers!  We cannot continue to offer up excuses for misbehavior of people within our traditions, especially when those people are calling themselves "Elders", or proclaiming some kind of expertise.  While at one point ignorance was understandable due to our people's lack of access to information, today there is no excuse for ignorance.  It is a simple process to check anyone's "facts" to see if we are being misled.  

We trust that this clarification has been necessary and will humbly contribute to the protecting and strengthening of our Traditions!

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