Monday, June 10, 2013


Indigenous agriculture resonates with the natural ecology of Mother Earth.  To an astronomical extent the terrain that we have become so accustomed to, from urban parks, to suburban yards, and agricultural fields, are extremely unhealthy and depleted ecologies; more precisely these are ecologies in crisis.  

The Land that we caretake and work with is coming from a number of years of depletion, both from conventional agricultural practices and orchard practices to logging.  We have quickly come to recognize that there is a healing process that we are witnessing upon this Land as we follow Mother Earth's lead in this healing process.  

A natural and healthy ecology consists of many layers of vegetation that grow simultaneously in one place, from the ground covers and perennials to the shrubs and trees.   Rather than monocultures, we want to assist Mother Earth in creating the extreme diversity that is required for health.  Certain plants appear as vital healers within this process.  They are Mother Earth's emergency Medicine, and often they are also our Medicine that can assist us to develop or enhance healthy immune systems.  Elderberry is a powerful immunity enhancer.  

The two previous posts on this blog show earlier years (2010, 2012) elderberry harvest and medicine making:

The Elderberry Bush

Elderberry Medicine

At this time of the year the Elder is in full flower.  The berries will ripen in early August.  The flower is also a Medicine.  We dry it for use in teas.  It encourages sweating which is beneficial for colds and flu.  We combine it with Yarrow Flower and Mint in a winter cold care tea.

From the Elder's first appearance several years ago, it has spread throughout our animal pastures, and into our vegetable garden and even into our Munanso!  We have ABUNDANT ELDER HERE NOW!!!! This Medicine is very revered and it is said that you should never cut down an Elder, certainly without permission.  
We use the Elder shrubs here not just for Medicine but also to place Cemis in to energize them.  In the photo above our daughter is hiding in the Elder bush.
The Elder is a powerful Medicine and we feel very blessed to have Elder in our lives.  As the name suggests this is a very revered plant that gives abundant blessings.  We make many good things from the Elder flower and Elder berry.  The birds also benefit from the Elder, and most likely it was a bird who originally brought the Elder here!  The Elder is a very beneficial plant for bringing healing to the ecology of our space, and it also is a useful plant for us humans!  These two aspects are essential to Indigenous Agricultural practices.  Our Ancestors were master agriculturalists, master gardeners, and as we strive to "follow in the footsteps of the Ancestors" we realize that since we are not living in the same place and time that they did, those footsteps, while upholding the principles of the Ancestors, are, and will continue to be, unique to the here and now!

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