Saturday, July 4, 2015


This photo journey takes you from seeding time to the full expression of the Conucos within our gardens.  The magic is in the fertility of the Conuco itself.  The seeds are the biological Ancestral line but the myriad micro-organisms plus the magical ingredients of the brujo allow these seeds to grow and thrive.  

Corn Seeds

Seed Potatos

Alpaca Manure

Time Passes, the Sun Shines, the Rain Falls, we remove weeds....
Minuscule Tobacco Seeds grow to these huge plants, sweet smelling flowers, sticky aromatic leaves!
Tobaccos include VA Smoking, Huichol, Aztec, Oneida, Flowering
White sage, tobacco, corn, potatoes and sunflowers!
Corn, Potatoes, Elderberry, Beans and Squash...

Our Greenhouse....
Corn and Potatoes
Beautiful View of a Conuco
The Ancestors are Happy!
The Elderberry, a plant we have come to LOVE, who also Loves Us!

Mammoth Sunflowers, for seed through the winter!

Elderberry Patch, the Catbird Sanctuary
Somos Tabaqueros
Another Concuco forming...

And once we get our harvest, our Blackbelly Barbados sheep will enjoy the pasture!

Some people call this 'subsistence', we call it thriving!

1 comment:

  1. I can attest to the strong medicine of your tobacco plants from having experienced them through your gift to me a while back. It makes a difference how a thing is grown, and what care is put into it. Sala lembe mpangui!
