A Silent Spiritual War:
Spiritual Insight on the Ongoing
Bleeding of Oil in the Gulf
Spiritual Insight on the Ongoing
Bleeding of Oil in the Gulf
It is only through the Blessings of our Mother Earth in all her aspects that our lives are possible. Her waters are the greatest source of wealth that we have access to, both her salty waters and fresh waters. Our own blood reflects the salinity of her Oceans, and all trails of life lead back to her depths. Our Earliest Ancestors are the minute Sea Creatures from which Life Evolved and our Ancestral Trail over Billions of years has lead from her salty Oceans to the bounty of Land which is fed by her Rains and Rivers. The Weather Patterns which have shaped agricultural practices and dictate where we live, how we live and the economies of human societies, arise from our Mother’s Oceans. Make no mistake, the destruction that is going on in the Gulf could prove to be a fatal “accident”, although “accident” is an inappropriate word for what has taken place.
Greed thrives in secrecy, deception and manipulation. Greed thrives on utilizing words and images to create desires and ambitions based not on needs but on wants, based not on what nourishes a healthy individual, family and community, but on what generates profits for an individual or group of individuals. Greed utilizes semantics, lies and half-truths to avoid both physical and spiritual responsibility and consequences. Greed, whose essence is injustice, surrounds itself with complex agreements, tratados, and alliances which are designed to protect it from the light of Justice, Physical Justice or Divine Justice. Greed becomes so arrogant through its successful manipulation of the expression of Life that it reaches the point of thinking that it is the Great Mystery, Nsambia Mpungo, itself; it feels it is greater than the Sun and can dominate the Earth- raping and exploiting her endlessly. With the same arrogance as a pimp, with the same ruthlessness of a homicidal rapist, Greed feels it can exploit our Mother Earth who it perceives as a defenseless victim.
The misnomered “Oil Spill” is only one manifestation of the Greed of those who continue relentlessly to chase self-serving agendas, regardless of the true cost of those agendas, those who reap huge profits from all aspects of society, including war, misnomered “healthcare”, misnomered “agriculture” and on and on. However this Oil Hemorrhage has been and will continue to be “more than meets the eye” and more than the reports and media relay. We cannot afford to fail to realize that this Oil Hemorrhage is out of the control of the Greedy Ones whose “accident” it is, it is the rage of our Mother Earth at the continual exploitation and reckless greed that is rampant upon her surface. There are only “attempts” and “experiments” and “ideas” on how to bring this Oil Bleed under control, there is no knowledge or wisdom in place which holds a clear and definite solution. And so we see once again, who is more powerful; our Mother Earth is far more powerful than the inflated ego and arrogance of Greed, and contrary to the incessant words and images we are constantly bombarded by, no individual human being, no group of human beings, and no collective of human beings can dominate her through evil, self-serving behaviors. Those who pretend to have an answer for everything (yet truthfully have an answer for nothing) are facing a situation that is out of their control and their primary concern is not the widening swaths of oil reaching out into the Ocean and Shores, but the screeching of their bank accounts emptying and the torments within their minds of the lost profits. Their night sweats and nightmares are concerning profits lost, costly liabilities, and how they can keep exploiting our Mother, even while they tell lies about caring for the “little people” and the “environment” during their waking moments in front of the PR factories.
For many years the resources of Our Mother have been “stolen” and used against the majority of the People, in effect the Natural Trato between Humanity and Our Mother Earth, including her Plants, Stones, Minerals, Waters, Gases, and yes, Oils, have been “stolen” from the common good and distorted to work against Humanity. Case in point- nutrition, case in point- Medicine, case in point- Uranium, case in point- metals. What are inherently healers (Plants, Minerals, Waters) have become destroyers in the hands of manipulators.
It is no “coincidence” that this Oil Hemorrhage is occurring in the “Gulf” in the same interconnected waters where the Curse that Columbus carried as a tick carries lyme disease, as a mosquito carries malaria, as a rat carries plague, entered this Sacred Continent through the Sacred Taino Islands. Where that curse entered driving its carriers to extensive greed (which has continued unabated to this day). The Sacred Guanin (Gold Medallion of the Casikes) was lusted after by these degenerates and was violently stolen and turned into a “commodity” and a “standard” of wealth. The substance which connoted spiritual values, spiritual evolution and the stability of community was distorted into the vehicle for Greed’s insatiable cravings. The insatiable cravings of Greed’s appetite exceeded even this “gold”, broke even this sordid trato, and drove its parasitical hosts into a system of spiraling degeneracy and spiritual suicide as they speed closer and closer to spiritual annihilation though living practices which are absolutely not sustainable.
The hosts of Greed’s Curse walk pridefully among the “little people” smug in their false sense of security that they are the elite of men and women, that they can at their whim control the resources of Earth, create conflicts to suit their cravings for more profits, reap more and more “power over”. They consider themselves of a higher category than humanity in general, as if they have evolved beyond the “average person”. Like an obsessive eater, these parasites (for that is truly who they are) seek out more and more wealth, more and more power over, more and more panaceas for their egos. They simultaneously create a disease, spread it ,then create a nonprofit to distribute a vaccine to “combat it” all so both their bank accounts and egos can be feed as their super-gluttony continues. This is a behavior that only the SOUL-LESS can exhibit. Even while they pretend they are superhuman, even while they spread propaganda so that the “little people” can all try to chase after what they have, they degenerate to the status of sub-human. They degenerate to less than animal even, to the lowest form of life, a form that is only a parasite, that takes, takes, takes and gives nothing in return. And with all that taking, taking, taking, the basic tratado of life is broken, the tratado of exchange, of giving and taking in balance. And so a debt is created, a debt that is the sum of all the exploited physical resources of the world, a debt that is the sum of all the exploited human labor of the world, a debt that is the sum of all the exploited plant life upon the Earth, a debt that is the sum of all the psychological damage that they have been responsible for, a debt that is the sum of all the spiritual damage that they have been responsible for, and a debt that is the sum of all the human, animal and plant life that has been destroyed by their behaviors, their wars, their pollution and their “policies” upon the Earth. This is a debt that these individuals will never be able to pay off, a debt that does en-debt them to life infinitely, and the price that they do and will pay is spiritual dissolution for they have utterly broken the tratado which is at the essence of being a “Human Being”.
Physically we come from the Ocean, Atabey’s Sacred Waters, Atabey’s Sacred Womb, Spiritually we come from the Heart of the Mysteries themselves. We are by our very nature Spiritual, and it is our very nature and the very nature of our agreement with “Life” that we develop spiritually within our “human” experience, that we come to understand and relate to the Mysteries of Life with Love and Respect, and to cultivate the Best and Highest internally and externally within our experience. This Sacred Process also involves mastering Self-Control and Healthy and Creative Self-Discipline. When an individual and/or group of individuals fails to do this, Life itself destroys that person, sooner or later, in life or death this is inevitable, and that individual can no longer be classified as a “human” but only as an “animal” and for those who engage particularly evil behaviors, that classification must become “as a parasite”.
A question and concern must resonate in each of us who from a clear place is witnessing not only this Oil Hemorrhage, but the countless violations of our Mother and the acceleration towards what surely looks like the destruction of life upon our Mother Earth.
“Will these parasites not only destroy themselves (which is inevitable) but will they like a homicidal and suicidal maniac, take all of us with them in the destruction of our Mother Earth?”
Another question arises, which we need to look at honestly, which is “What are we putting into our Mouths?” Meaning what and who are we allowing to sustain our bodies, minds and spirits? Are we “nourishing” ourselves with genetically modified, hormone injected, chemically produced food, are we “nourishing” ourselves with chemical “medicines”, are we parroting the false values and degenerate practices of these obsessed minds? And how dependent are we on the very system which is self-destructing?
As Medicine People, or as Spiritual People, or as those who follow Indigenous Spiritual Traditions this in an unavoidable conversation and internal contemplation that we must face inside ourselves and within our Community. As Spiritual People we cannot look only at our own needs, or the needs of our immediate family, but must understand that our focus must be both on ourselves and others (the larger Earth upon which we live), and that our focus must be not only on physical development but also more strongly upon spiritual development. Just as there is the pollution of the air, oceans, soils, forests, and rivers, there is a pollution which seeks to corrupt our spiritual traditions. These traditions are many times distorted through the hands and mouths of selfish individuals to benefit only the individual, or to benefit only physical or emotional acquisitions. In some instances they become the vehicles for ego trips or for the playing out of spiritual fantasies in the name of “tradition”. The final result in these instances is disempowerment of the people, disempowerment of the community and a further devastation towards our Mother Earth.
In many ways this hemorrhaging of our Mother Earth comes as no surprise, it was inevitable through the continuing of barbaric practices of exploitation of our Mother Earth and through the over consumption and insatiable lust for “things” that is promoted throughout the Earth through skillful propaganda and use of images and words. It has been predicted through Indigenous Prophecy, and more recently predicted simply by intelligent minds who are looking clearly at the trajectory along which this Greed Machine has been traveling. The reporting of this hemorrhage has been full of distortions and lies (half-truths) in order to down play the seriousness of what is occurring. However for many the writing has been on the wall, any many have voiced warnings and calls for preparation. Years of environmental and societal degradation have preceded this and to all appearances the sheer momentum of this system of Greed and utter Selfishness will continue its suicidal course towards destruction.
This Hemorrhage is a milestone marker in the breakdown of this global system which is built upon the utter manipulation of this Earth and her People, and is a marker of the continuation of the breaking of the spell (witchcraft) that has been cast upon the Earth and her People. We are witnessing a silent spiritual war whose voices are so loud they echo to the stars and planets and we are witnessing an evil spiritual entity who is self-destructing. We are witnessing the wrath of the Misterios, the Mpungos, the Cemis, who are rebelling against the callous and greedy behavior upon the Earth. We know that a wildfire comes through a forest and while is destructive in the short term, brings the renewal of life in the longer term, just as a hurricane and tornado, flood, or Earth quake also bring destruction first and then renewal. There is no doubt that Renewal of our Mother Earth will take place, but when it will and who will be instrumental within that process and who will be around to witness that process remains to be seen. For now we are facing the destructive aspects of our Mother Earth and her Mpungos, her Misterios, her Cemis and we are facing the results of selfishness, greed, envy, corruption, the selling of spiritual traditions, violence, and the large scale turning away form the wisdom and inner knowledge that comes from cultivating a profound relationship with our Mother Earth and all her Misterios.
This Oil Hemorrhage cannot be measured in gallons or dollars, the affects of “it” cannot be neatly summed up and dealt with through “science, engineering, or policies”. While the physical damage is extensive, is not over, and could continue for years and years unabated, the psychological damage is unmeasured, and the spiritual damage is mostly undiscussed. However what is clear is that humanity cannot “wrestle” with the Earth Mother and win. She is physically and spiritually far more powerful and her life-span makes ours look infinitely short. Only the abyss of a totally insane spirit and mind would engage in waging a spiritual war such as this against our Mother Earth, which “win” or “lose” comes to the same conclusion- self-destruction.
To Be Continued: By the Koki Medicine Clan.
“Tomorrow is Too Late!”
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